Scanning Systems

ExNovo LogScanner is a complete log scanning system, suitable for many applications in the sawmill. Based on a highly modular concept, LogScanner can be tailored exactly to your needs. With four different configurations, and a host of available add-ons, integration into your mill is easy! 

Main Line – ExNovo 3D

ExNovo 3D is the main scanning system presented. Measuring multiple tree species at varying sizes of 10-600 mm in diameter and 200-8000 mm in length.

Configuration and Features

ExNovo 1D ExNovo 2D ExNovo 3D ExNovo 3D XL ExNovo 4D
Light Curtain Replacement, Presence detection, diameter estimates, machine protection
Log turner, Log identification, Log Purchasing, Primary Breakdown, Sorter
Log Sorter, Optimization, Peeler, Volume Calculation, Purchasing and Inventory systems, Cant Scanning
Large Diameter Log Scanning
Specialty and high accuracy systems, Optimization, Cant scanning
ScanHeads Base
1 x JS-50 WSC
2 x JS-50 WSC
3 x JS-50 WSC
4 x JS-50 WSC
ScanHeads Plus
1 x JS-50 WX
2 x JS-50 WX
3 x JS-50 WX
2 x JS-50 WX 1x JS-50 MX
4 x JS-50 WX
Log Coverage
Up to 50%
Up to 80%
Up to 100%
Chain Gap Needed
Chain Gap Needed No No Chain trough may need cutting yes
ScanSync Module
ScanSync Module
Scan Frame

Configuration and Features

ScanHeads: we use proven scanning technology by JoeScan Inc.:

-With the binocular JS-50 WX-100 as the standard model, chain flights don’t obscure the log (on 3D and 4D)

-For large log diameters, JS-50 MX can be substituted

-Budget systems with JS-50 WSC (only 1D and 2D)

Cabling: all scanners are PoE powered – a single cable per head provides power and data.

JoeScan ScanSync Module: synchronizes all devices for high scanning speed (up to 2 kHz) and crosstalk prevention

Standard Scan Frame: stable, space-efficient frame that can be installed over your chain without modification. We will work with you to determine the optimal location.

Standard Cabinet: all electronics in one place, dust-proof. You just supply power.

Gigabit PoE Switch: we use an industrial grade PoE switch to connect scanners, ScanSync and processing computer.

Encoder: Differential incremental quadrature encoder, to be mounted on your chain. We will work with you to find the optimal location, or re-use existing, compatible encoders.

Processing computer set (PC, monitor, keyboard and mouse)

Alignment Fixture: check your scan accuracy in minutes.


ExNovo LogScanner Base Version:

Full 3D log modeling with up to 1 mm profile density

Measures basic set of log properties: Length, Top and Bottom End Diameters, Conicity/Taper, Sweep/Curvature, Min/Max Diameters, Envelope, Volume, Root Flare

Robust filtering algorithms for debris, hanging bark and other obstructions

Additional Modules:

-Fitter: create optimized cylinder fits

-Sorter: sorting line driver via PLC

-Database: keep all scanned logs for accounting and analysis

-Peeler: maximize recovery with optimized chucking points

-Custom: get access to the API and write your own modules

Custom Integrations:

Have specific requirements? We will work with you to bring your ideas into LogScanner.

OEM Version:

Want to brand LogScanner or integrate it into your machine center? Talk to us!

Environment, Speed and Accuracy

LogScanner is designed for the harsh conditions in the sawmill.

Operating temperature: -20°C to +50°C.

Light shielding:

-Indoors: no shielding necessary. You may need to block direct view of light sources.

-Outdoors: only with tunnel or other light-blocking structure

Laser Class: 3R, pulsed

Accuracy (depending on configuration):

-Length: +/- 10 mm or better, depending on chain speed

-Diameters: +/- 1 mm or better