ExNovo 3D scanner


ExNovo Basic 3D scanner set components and features


  • Scanning heads: JS-50 WSC-100 -3 sets (head, cable, and mounting bracket
  • JS-50 ScanSync module: Module to provide quadrature encoder interface and time synchronization
  • Calibration fixture: for scanning set calibration on place
  • Encoder: for line speed and log length calculation
  • Cabinet: Electrical cabinet for installation ScanSync, PPOE Switch and they connect to the heads and encoder
  • PC set: Computer with preinstalled scanner 3D and Log Review software
  • Cables: set of all needed cables to run system

Measurement speed and accuracy

  • Measurement speed: up to
  • Diameter measurement accuracy: +/- 1 mm
  • Length measurement accuracy: +/- 10mm

Deployment description


Log 3D measurements


Pine, Spruce, Birch and etc

Log sizes

Diameter 10-600 mm, Length 200-8000 mm

Production process

Log sorting & Log infeed to saw


Sawmill, Plywood

Measurement results

As a result of measurement and calculations customers have next information about each log:

  • Top end log diameter
  • Butt end log diameter
  • Maximum diameter for log
  • Log length
  • Log curvature
  • Log Volume
  • Log conicity and etc.

In extended version of software scanner can inform about butt flare presence, complex curvature and another log features, by special customer demands